As a CIO, you know the technology landscape is always changing. Every day, new technologies and ways of doing business emerge. As a result, effective IT infrastructure management requires constant attention to new trends and technologies that can help your organization achieve its goals. In this article, we will look at some of the key areas CIOs are focused on as we look forward to 2023. We’ll talk about how these trends will impact your IT department and what you need to do today so you’re ready for tomorrow.

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CIOs are looking at new ways to deliver products and services in the future.

CIOs will be looking for new ways to deliver products and services. There will be a shift from traditional methods of delivery toward newer approaches that rely on less human intervention and more automation.

“The pressure on CIOs to deliver digital dividends is higher than ever,” said Daniel Sanchez Reina, VP Analyst at Gartner. “CEOs and boards anticipated that investments in digital assets, channels and digital business capabilities would accelerate growth beyond what was previously possible. Now, business leadership expects to see these digital-driven improvements reflected in enterprise financials.

Role-based security will become the norm

Role-based security will become the norm for managing access to information. This is because role-based security can be more flexible and easier to manage, more cost effective, easier to scale and more secure.

Multi-cloud strategy will be used more often

One of the biggest trends we’re seeing in the next three years is that multi-cloud strategies are becoming more popular. There are a lot of benefits to using this approach, but it also comes with challenges.

The number one benefit is flexibility: you can use different cloud providers based on your workload requirements and budget constraints. You can also choose which clouds you want to move to first depending on their availability and market adoption rates. The downside is that managing multiple clouds adds complexity and increases costs in some cases since you need additional staff who know how to manage each type of platform separately.

Automation will be on the rise

As automation becomes increasingly commonplace, it will be used to reduce costs. Automation has already been shown to increase efficiency and improve productivity in many industries, including manufacturing and healthcare. As CIOs look toward the future of their organizations, they must work with executive leadership teams to identify how automation can be used to streamline processes and lower operational costs.

Cloud security will be a top priority

Cloud security is a top priority for CIOs because it’s so difficult to get right. If you don’t have the right approach, your data may be vulnerable in the cloud.

The cloud has made data more accessible than ever before, and this accessibility has given birth to all kinds of new applications that can help businesses become more efficient and productive. However, they also present new risks—a good example being ransomware attacks on healthcare systems that use the cloud to store patient records.

There will be a focus on designing custom-built IT infrastructures.

In the past, CIOs were able to get by with off-the-shelf IT models. However, now that organizations are dealing with increasingly complex data sets and processing needs, they’re starting to realize that custom-built infrastructures are necessary. They’ll be able to meet specific needs more easily than off-the-shelf tools could provide; they’ll also be more secure and efficient. For many organizations, looking to experts can help in optimizing mobile, fixed telecom, and cloud infrastructures.

In fact, managed services spending will account for 18% of IT budgets in 2023, up from 15% in 2020.

As the technologies used in today’s businesses continue to evolve, so must IT. There are many opportunities for IT departments to improve their operations by focusing on these key areas. The last thing that CIOs want is for their organizations to be left behind when it comes time for them to compete with other companies who have taken advantage of these new opportunities early on.