Outsourcing Wireless Optimization and Audit

Mobile expense management can be a headache without the right technology. Wireless audit addresses differences in expected monthly spend and actual monthly spend. Wireless optimization is a term encompassing the procedures and outcomes used to align monthly wireless spend with monthly usage requirements. Both Audit and Optimization occur based on usage and spend in arrears, or based on past billing periods. The key difference between optimization and audit services is the end-result. Wireless audit results in recommendations necessary to achieve expected monthly costs, while optimization results in changes being made (post-review) to your wireless environment to achieve the savings. In many cases, wireless audit and optimization are the result of doing the hard work and analysis you just haven’t had time to do yet. Payment for this work is often done on a contingency basis (see below). Outsourcing these services is excellent for companies who just don’t have time to dig deep into the data to find every last dollar of savings.

Contingency Payment

Contingency payment refers to the practice of collecting payment after a service has been provided. In wireless expense management, contingency payments are usually a percentage of savings realized after optimization recommendations have been made and implemented. Contingency payment plans are great for one-time, or infrequent, wireless optimizations as they allow the payment for service to come out of the existing wireless budget.

As an example, WEMco delivers a wireless optimization proposal outlining savings of $1,500 per month from your total wireless budget of $5,000 per month – your new bill would be $3,500 monthly. WEMco has agreed to take 10% of the total savings as payment for the optimization service they provided, or $150 per month. You still save $1,350 ($1,500 – $150) each month after paying WEMco and your overall wireless budget decreases by over $16,000 per year.

Outsourcing Procurement

Paid for on a per-line basis, procurement describes the processes and workflows necessary to equip an end user with a wireless device. Procurement workflows include everything from online shopping cart experiences, to simple web-based forms and email communication. Considerations for procurement services should include how existing procurement requests are made, who needs to approve various types of requests, and what the catalog of allowed devices will be. Outsourcing procurement is great to consider if managing device orders occupies more than 15% of your day.

Outsourcing MACD

MACD is an acronym for move, add, change, and deactivate (or delete depending on where you learned it). This service handles the day-to-day changes required to keep your mobile device management (MDM) running. While procurement deals with devices, MACD focuses on lines of service and their associated changes. Mobile number swaps, plan and feature changes, deactivation and suspension, and new line requests are all examples of MACD transactions. Outsourcing MACD is something to consider if your inbox is full of requests for changes like these.

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